Homecare Home care includes a category of services which are provided to an individual in a place of temporary or permanent residence used as an individual’s home. Home care is health care brought to your home to maintain or restore your health and well-being. Elevation Homecare Services include In-Home Aide Services, Companion Services, Sitter Services & Respite Services Currently Elevation Homecare Services provides home care in the following counties: Wake, Johnston, Durham & Orange.
Residential Supports Alternative Family Living (AFL) settings provide an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injury with a unique opportunity to live within a family unit that has been trained & certified to open their home for the provision of specific services and support. This provides an increased sense of belonging and furthers independence as a person becomes part of a new family structure and explores school, work, day and community services, volunteer opportunities and other community and family-based activities. Elevation Homecare Services currently provides residential support (AFL) homes in the Orange, Wake, Harnett, Durham Cumberland, Johnston & Mecklenburg counties of North Carolina. Check out our current AFL home openings under the "Availability" tab.
Community Networking Community Networking is a program available through the Innovations Waiver that allows individuals with disabilities to engage in day activities within an integrated community setting alongside individuals without disabilities. This program is designed to support the individual’s definition of a meaningful day. To be eligible for Community Networking, individuals must meet certain admission criteria. First, they must meet the admission standards and be receiving Innovations Waiver Services and have specific goals related to Community Networking written into their Individual Support Plan.